Baby shower party is a beautiful occasion where there is a celebration for the coming child and the expectant mother. These shower parties can be either done before the birth of the child or after the newborn comes into this world. The birth of the baby is the happiest moment for the family and the coming child deserves warm welcome from everyone and is the moment to rejoice. Once the news of baby is confirmed the grand preparation to welcome the new member of the family starts from the day. Shower parties are thrown for the expectant mother generally by friends and the co-workers. This has becomes the recent trend in America and rest of the world. These parties are generally thrown by the friends and the co-workers, which brings complete excitement and lots of gifts for the baby, as well as the expectant mother. These shower parties needs lot of efforts in preparation and the most important is the theme decided for the party. There are no strict rules of conducting the party. One can be flexible and do as per convenience of the expectant mother and keeping in mind the cultural and religious tradition of the family. It is conducted 2-3 months before the delivery date for the convenience of the mother. The parties are usually conducted during weekdays either in the afternoon tea or luncheon as most of the people are working and can find time only in the evening. The organized party brings pleasure and satisfaction, to make the party grand success make plans and proceed with the plans accordingly. The preparation starts by deciding the time, date and venue of the function. If you want you can purchase beautiful invitation cards from any greeting shop, but do not want to spend too much amount on cards can also invite guests through e-mails or take the help of those websites that offer free invitations. But don't forget to entail the necessary details about the party. It is always good to decide a theme for the party making it more memorable and those sweet memories linger in your mind and soul in the years to come. Once the theme is decided it will further help in choosing the venue, the number of guest to be invited, and the thematic decoration and accordingly the eateries will be decided. You can get the list of invitees from the patents-to be. The games can be including like the baby food games or naming the baby games and this way party will last for couple of hours. If the theme decided for the party is baby toys the guest will bring different toys in place of other gifts. If the theme you choose is gender based the guest will choose the baby boy or girl as the case may be. The guest thoughtfully chooses the baby shower gift and those should be useful for baby or her mother. The co-ed shower parties where both mom and dad participate are also popular. Nowadays the baby shower party is not restricted only for the first baby in the family but this can be for the subsequent babies known as sprinkles. Baby showers can be thrown for the adopted child as well. Whatever may be the form or theme of the party this becomes the special occasion in the life of every mom and her baby.