A Short List of the Best Apples is Very Helpful! What is the purpose of that apple?
For Baking Pies or Baking Whole:
Braeburn, Ida Red, Jonathan, Melrose, Northern Spy, York Imperial (also Nutsu/Crispin and Newtown Pippin)
For Eating: Braeburn, Empire, Jonagold, Macoun, Mutsu/Crispin, Patricia, Raritan, Winesap, York Imperial,
For Baking Pies or Baking Whole:
Braeburn, Ida Red, Jonathan, Melrose, Northern Spy, York Imperial (also Nutsu/Crispin and Newtown Pippin)
For Eating: Braeburn, Empire, Jonagold, Macoun, Mutsu/Crispin, Patricia, Raritan, Winesap, York Imperial,
MY FAVORITE IS McIntosh above all others!
From the Apple Cookbook by Owen Woodier/Storey Publishing
From the Apple Cookbook by Owen Woodier/Storey Publishing