Saturday, August 15, 2009

Too Many Birthday Parties This Year

So many birthday parties, so little time and money!You know with the economy the way it is right now it is crazy to imagine how many birthday parties you can have in one year.  It can be very overwhelming if youhave more than one or two children.There are you and your husbands birthday and then how many kids do you have?  There is also your friends and then all your kids friends.  It is a lot of parties, a lot of money, and a lot of work... month after month.I have some good news for you.  It can be easier, and cheaper if you plan ahead.  I mean plan months ahead... like maybe even the whole year.  If you havea lot of kids, even just two, you can do a few things to make it seem not so crazy and inexpensive.First of all you can switch off birthday party years. Maybe have a few friends over for a sleep over for one, and then a 2-3 hour party for the other.  Then the next year switch it off.  That makes it fair, no one is missing out, and money isn't flying out of your pocket every other month.If the kids have birthdays close to each other then you can share the party.  Have a small family celebration on their special day. For their party let themchoose a day in between the birthdays and share the whole experience.  Those options seem easy, affordable and tend to make every one happy.Getting your ideas and thoughts about your parties together for the year help to see what you need for your budget.  It helps you see what is doable.

For example I never have a party for myself.  I don't expect my husband to organize one for me either because he has the responsibility for solely supporting us.I really would prefer to spend money on my children's parties or gifts and things.  I would love to throw a birthday party for my husband as well but with so many children and all different ages, that will be at a later season in our life.  The money that needs to go elsewhere.

I know that I am not the only one in this boat, that is why I am writing this article.  Maybe you have thought of some of what I am putting out there.  So please just glean, if you have input please visit my site and comment... I can always use more insight.

There is also your children's friends birthday parties.  You can make a decision how many presents you want to buy for o.  If you are really other kids this year.  Discuss it with your kids, be truthful about it and let them help you decide who to buy for.

You can let your friends know, some don't like to share so much information.  However, I know that a lot of people are in the same circumstance.  If you are having a rough year financially, don't attend any of the parties.  Tell them the truth or just say you can't make it.  Your call, but it is an option.Another great thing is most kids love to get mail.  Send them a great card from the family or just from your child who is friends with them... you can even put a crisp $5 bill or what you can afford in it.  That goes along way for a child, even an older one.  For me I can't afford gifts for all my friends and loved ones. Even if they invite me to a party I feel it is unfair to buy one a gift and then not another.

Just remembering their birthdays, giving cards... or making something homemade that is cheap enough to do for all your friends, and it is an awesome thing.They just love that you remembered.  If you can just get them a really sweet card or maybe even a really fancy card, or even homemade... it makes the dayfor them that much sweeter.Homemade gifts are also great.  They are so appreciated as you get older, it just oozes friendship and love.  They are also very affordable!

My most favorite homemade gifts are the ones where you fill ingredients into a glass jar for cookies, or special tea, or cake.  They have directions, all the ingredients they need in that glass jar.  Then you decorate the jar with ribbon and a sweet tiny card and there you have it.  Literally the sweetest homemade gift outthere.Lastly I would recommend having your resources for your birthday parties, all ready to go.  Every time you have a birthday party coming up, the feeling of time slipping away as you research the information you need tends to bring on an urgency that can become overwhelming.

If you have resources ready to go, then every time you have a birthday party coming up, you have it there to guide you.This is where I recommend this site.  The book is wonderful... simple, very helpful, and cheap.  All the information to help you with your birthday party is in one place ready to be used by you!  I strongly suggest checking it out... it sells itself!Hope this helped you out with the year of birthday parties to come.

My name is Jenna Storms, full time mother of 4. My husband introduced me to the website building world, and I truly enjoy all aspects of putting together the website. It's a great creative outlet where I can share information about something I am passionate about, my life. And at the same time I get to be home and enjoy my children. I wouldn't have it any other way.
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